Jo Gideon MP has welcomed National Lottery recent funding of more than one million pounds to boost community projects across the Stoke-on-Trent Central constituency.
In 2020/21, the National Lottery Community Fund provided more than one billion in over 20,000 grants to boost communities across the country. Since January 1st 2021, the National Lottery Community Fund has awarded £1,279,645 to organisations in Stoke-on-Trent Central, targeting local charities committed to supporting the community through the pandemic.
One such organisation that received funds in the constituency was TWOCO, part of Women of Justice Arise, which will use its £148,000 in funding to support refugees, asylum seekers and those facing poverty in Stoke-on-Trent. Commenting, TWOCO said:
“TWOCO-Women of Justice Arise is delighted to receive the grant of £148 000 from the National Lottery Community Fund. This will greatly support the Cultural Food Bank, Sewing Lessons, Skills Development Training, Mental Health and the Wellbeing Program & Blessing Bank Project. We reach out to help vulnerable Refugee women, female asylum seekers, survivors of violence, and BAME families by redistributing donations of vital baby essentials, cultural food parcels, sanitary products, and clothes for struggling mums and new mothers. Our donations go directly to people in need who are facing challenges and financial hardship. We are blessed to have a wonderful team of volunteers who are passionate about serving and helping members in our community.”
Jo Gideon MP said “I wish to thank the National Lottery for over one million in funding to support community projects across the Stoke-on-Trent Central constituency. The funding will be a much-needed lifeline for local charities and community groups as they seek to overcome social and economic challenges caused by the pandemic. I am pleased part of this funding has gone to TWOCO. I am sure such a large amount will go a long way in supporting the vital work they do for vulnerable people in this constituency”.
Elly De Decker, England Director at The National Lottery Community Fund, commented “I am incredibly proud that we have awarded almost £200 million across England so far this year, responding to needs and changes in our communities brought on by the pandemic. We know that people care about issues including employment and employability, supporting young people, supporting the vulnerable and creating better connections within communities to tackle loneliness. It’s fantastic to see that this funding, raised by National Lottery players, is having a significant impact on people’s lives across the country, helping to build back stronger communities.”